Tuesday, August 30, 2011


Here's an image I created for the MAD magazine show at Urban Light Studios in Greenwood, next Friday (9.9.11). Here's some details on the show (Facebook page).

A little about the image: So, I've never read a single issue of MAD magazine... I was struggling with what to do for the show while sitting around in the library and I happened to notice an original copy of "The MAD Reader" resting on the shelf. I thumbed through it and found a comic-strip entitled "The Face upon the Floor". The illustrations by Basil Wolverton were fucking creepy. They drew me in and I had my inspiration.

My image is sort of a book cover idea for the "The Face upon the Floor"... I know that Basil's interpretation of the story is "black comedy"... but, hopefully, I've captured/re-imagined some of the creepy-ness of Basil's illustrations and presentation.

Along with my illustration, there will be several other artist's displaying work at Urban Light Studios... drop by and check out everyone's work!

[LostKeep Facebook fanpage]

Sunday, August 21, 2011


Here's a demony-bot...

Saturday, August 6, 2011

Oh... My... Science!!!

So, holy shit!!!! I just got picked by InPRNT... kind of a storefront for artists.

My InPRNT gallery where you can view and purchase prints!